Case Study: Brookfield Elementary
A Leaking Roof and A Smart Solution
Brookfield, Missouri
Square Footage
Year Installed
The 63,000+ square-foot roof of Brookfield Elementary School in Brookfield, Missouri had been leaking so badly that entire sections of the school had been closed for use. The School was in need of a immediate roof repair. It had been 15 years since the previous roof had been installed – a Tectum deck with 3-ply built up with asphalt flood coat.
Insulation was 1½ inches of isocyanurate sprinkle mopped in place with an .045 EPDM membrane. A section of the south wall roof of the building had suffered delamination, and was currently mechanically attached. Clearly, just a simple roof repair wouldn’t be the solution to fix leaking problem. A re-roof was in order to restore full usable function to the school.
The Project
Initially, the roof replacement job was quoted as a Kelly 2001 installation, which came in over budget for the school system. Requoting with V2T not only did shorten the roof repair time and the overall project costs, but V2T offered the building a state-of-the-art technology for withstanding the wide variance in weather common in Missouri.

In total, the roof repair project took only two days to install, and included 62 V2T vents, along with new roof materials – expanded polystyrene loose-laid with a ½ inch Securock cover board. Perimeter edges received new 2×10 wood nailers covered by 1 x 10 attached with NTB fasteners drilled and counter-sunk all the way through to the Tectum deck. The crew even reported finishing up Day 2 early because of V2T’s ease of installation.
Completed in early June 2016, the new roof is expected to deliver at least 25 years of fully warranted and reliable use with proper maintenance – an improvement over the previous roofing solution that should save the school system money over time. As well, when students and teachers return to school, there will be additional classrooms and function spaces available for use – enhancing the overall experience for the entire community.

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